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  • Post published:July 26, 2021
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Speaking Voices.

Isaiah 30:21 If you stray to the right or the left, you will hear a word that comes from behind you: “This is the way; walk in it.” (CEB)

“There’s a way that seems to be right for humanity but it’s end is death.” Equated to the quote above or assimilate to it is a wiseman’s script in Proverbs 14:12, There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death (NKJV). The same script is seen again in Proverbs 16:25.

Ever walked alone late at night and your conscience keeps telling you someone is right there with you? There is always that feeling in the inside of you like somebody is either following you and trying to catch-up with you.
There are speaking voices in the middle of fearful and terrifying situations always. Normally there are two, you could hear both and pick from one or you could choose to pick one and ignore the other.

Hearing the voice of God is one of the hardest things in the middle of a storm but could also be the easiest and simplest at the same time. Why? It takes a spiritually sensitive mind to know the difference between the two voices. Every other thing that we do is spiritual, if fear fills our hearts then we need to ask ourselves if the source of fear is from the Lord or it is from demonic infatuations. Fear is reserved for God and only God alone must be feared.

Let’s ask some more questions;
Have you ever attempted doing something in secrecy and then you hear that first voice telling you not to do it??? But you still did it anyway. I hope you learnt from that experience of your exploration.
Well the whole point here is how we go from being followers of instructions to doing our own things leaving behind the instructions. I think the most important thing to note here is; “you were trusted to now take the lead” but what you forgot is that someone was and is with you and watching you all through. So at that point when you are tempted to go off the walkway there was a voice speaking to you silently.

Building our trust foundation from Matthew 28:19 – 20 Go then, and make disciples of all the nations, giving them baptism in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit: Teaching them to keep all the rules which I have given you: and see, I am ever with you, even to the end of the world.
The Lord has sent you and I out there to take up that responsibility and shine the light unto the world, and you can see that there’s a clear vote of confidence that God has placed on you, to teach what you’ve been taught and what you have learnt. Like it’s also written “freely you receive, freely you give”. The whole time you’ve been walking along with Him, He was monitoring your abilities, your strengths and has now trusted you to teach them on His behalf.
I know the biggest concern for many people now is what they’re going to teach the world. What kind of disciples will they be?? Because it seems we already miles away from hearing the voice of God, like we got off onto our own lanes where we can’t even hear a reminder like “hey son you gone too far”. And even if we hear the voice we can’t respond to it because we haven’t mastered how God speaks to us.

At times we walk and don’t really know what we have by our side, we forget about that statement which says; ‘I will be with you to the end of age.’ We need to realise that that statement sums up the Great Commission that’s being proclaimed by every missionary out there. “…. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

It is not until you stop walking like you know it all, until you stop assuming you can make it on your own, can you hear that voice telling you no to bribery! Ever heard that voice that’s asking you not to do it? That voice that’s asking you not to go out with that friend of yours cause you know it will always end up in a place you don’t want to be in.Did you hear the Voice or perhaps Voices?? Yes they spoke and you had your choice to make. And the reason you are the way you are now is because of that choice. It is not until we invite an external force to come in and expose everything that’s hidden within us…

It is the best way of knowing yourself, it’s the best way to knowing your capabilities, the best way and time to involve God, even when it seems to be you at the lead of this walk people will see Christ in your leadership. You can never tell some things about yourself but only God can.

Psalmist makes it interesting;
“See if there is any path of pain I’m walking on, and lead me back to your glorious, everlasting way— the path that brings me back to you”.
Psalms 139:24 (TPT)

Anything that is ungodly is pain, anything that doesn’t have Christ in it always walks with trouble alongside, for as long as it doesn’t involve God, it will always end in tears.
Can you hear the voice of God?

I Pray that as we look forward to our successful walk with God, we learn to be good listeners and act what we’ve heard from God himself and not what we feel is right. Let our feelings and emotions not drive us to take the place of God in our lives.

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