You are currently viewing SUICIDE PREVENTION CAMPAIGNS


Statistics show that every year thousands commit suicide, which means hundreds of families lose brothers or sisters, fathers or mothers, wives, or husbands to this disease.

This is extremely sad but be encouraged because in every situation that seems bad God can use the platform of hurt to shine a light in the darkness and as a Movement, we have availed ourselves to be that LIGHT.

We plan to reach out to those suffering from depression first as this is the condition most famous for stimulating suicidal behavior. Then we plan to get people who have triumphed against suicide to speak out and provide help to the people who are in need of it.

Although not the only campaigns we plan to run, this specific one deals with preserving life and is of utmost importance.

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  1. Louann

    I am really grateful to the owner of this site who has shared this
    great piece of writing